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(or the story of the zine)

RESTRICTED: voices on disability and sexuality was an idea that popped into the head of a visually impaired lesbian feminist at a folk concert in Toledo, Ohio. A few months and several contributions later, she had the team to help her put together a zine of people's opinions, stories, poetry, artwork, and non-fiction work regarding what it's like to be disabled, queer, queerly disabled, disabledly-queer, and in-between!!

The 'zine was not created to identify and label folk for them, or to label anyone - but to allow folk around the world the ability to label themselves - to be proud of being disabled and queer, of being disabled in general!!


Too often disabled folk shy away from identifying as disabled because this makes them "less than" in society's eyes. Disabled folk are pushed to the fringes of society, are silenced, are ignored, and are RESTRICTED from fully engaging in society so often.....because of other people's ignorance, fear, or bigotry.

This 'zine is a project to dismantle that, to deconstruct the fear and ignorance surrounding disabiliites, and to talk about the ways disabilities and sexualities intersect and affect people's lives.

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